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money to work

Hi Happy Saver fans. Invest in the world’s biggest brands and funds. Become a shareholder in the US share markets with Hatch.

Sign up for free now and get a $10 NZD top-up when you make an initial deposit of $100 NZD or more.

Example of Hatch app showing company logos

Why choose Hatch?

Simple & transparent pricing

Pay just a $3 USD flat fee when you buy or sell most shares. The more you invest, the lower the fee percentage. We believe your profit is yours so Hatch doesn't take a cut when you sell.

Own your shares with Hatch

Owning your shares means you get more control. You'll have opportunities to vote on company decisions and ask questions to the leaders. You can also transfer your shares anytime. They're yours, not ours!

Start and grow as an investor

Watch webinars, read content, chat to like-minded investors, or do our 10 mins a day free Getting Started Course — tools to help you learn and gain confidence to take charge of your journey, your way.

Real human support

No question is too hard for our Wellington-based team. We're a friendly bunch, all own shares through Hatch, and like to think we know the ins and outs pretty well. We’re at the other end of the phone, email or live chat… pick your channel!


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Talk to us! We love to help.


How do I get started?

It's free to sign up! You just need an email address and you have to create a password. You’ll immediately be able to browse shares, start a watchlist or do our free Getting Started Course.

Before you can deposit money and buy shares, we verify your identity. It takes about 3 minutes and you can do it all online with your passport or NZ driver's licence details. We also ask you some multi-choice questions to collect information we need to know before you can invest through Hatch.

Individuals: You have to be over 18 to open your own Hatch account. Before you buy shares, you’ll need to get verified online with either a passport (from anywhere in the world) or a New Zealand driver’s licence.

Under 18s: Parents and guardians can open Hatch Kids Accounts through their own Hatch account. You’ll just need your child’s birth certificate or guardianship order. If you’re not signed up with Hatch yet, you’ll need to create your own account first (it’ll only take 3 minutes).

Trusts: Family trusts are welcome to use Hatch. Get in touch and we'll send you some quick and easy forms. Once we have your information, we'll create your account as fast as we can.

How do I deposit money?

As soon as you get verified (it takes just 3 minutes!), you can use online banking to deposit NZD into our NZ bank account. You’ll have a unique code that you can add into the ‘Reference’ field when you make your payment to make sure your money goes straight into your Hatch account. When you sign into Hatch you’ll be able to see all of your deposits.

We automatically exchange your NZD to USD. A 0.5% fee is included in the estimated exchange rate you see in Hatch. If you deposit before 2pm on any business day, your money should be in your Hatch account early the following morning, when the US markets open.

See full Hatch pricing.

What shares can I buy?

Through Hatch, you can buy shares in individual companies and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). If you’re not sure where to start, we have some helpful tips on how to use Hatch to find shares that are right for you.

How much does it cost?

You can see our full pricing here, but it’s pretty straightforward:

Sign up: free

Sign up to Hatch for free and immediately browse and add companies and Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to your watchlist. You can learn about investing and monitor shares for as long as you like without paying a cent.

Exchange fee: 0.5%

When you deposit or withdraw money, we automatically exchange it from NZD to USD (and vice versa). Our 0.5% exchange fee is included in the estimated exchange rate you see in Hatch. We have special rates for deposits over $100,000 - contact us to hear more.

You only pay the exchange fee when you deposit or withdraw, and there are no hidden extra fees for withdrawals.

Brokerage: $3 USD to buy and sell shares

Adults: You’ll pay a flat fee of $3 USD fee for every order of up to 300 shares. If you buy more than 300 shares in one order, you'll only pay 1c USD a share.

Under 18s: We’ve lowered our usual $3 USD minimum brokerage fee to an absurdly small 50c USD on Kids Accounts - more about Kids Account fees.

US tax: $1.50 USD (one-off), 50c USD a year

A one-off $1.50 USD fee is deducted from your first deposit to cover the set-up, and after that, a 50c USD fee is deducted from your account each year to sort your US taxes for you. Hatch makes NZ tax time easy too (promise)! It’s nowhere near as hard as you might think, find out more about tax here.

Transfer your US shares
With Hatch, your own shares which means you can transfer your US shares in or out of Hatch, any time you want. There may be fees that apply during the transfer process depending where you are transferring from. Learn more about transferring.

American Depository Receipts (ADRs)
You can invest in a range of different types of US investments through Hatch including American Depository Receipts (ADRs). The fees cover the costs of managing all registration, compliance and record-keeping services associated with listing foreign shares as ADRs. Find out more about the fees here.

Can I withdraw money?

You can choose to withdraw your USD to your NZ bank account whenever you want. You just have to sell your shares so your USD is available to withdraw. Once you request a withdrawal we'll exchange your USD to NZD  automatically.

We collect a bank statement for each account you want to withdraw money to. This is a security check to make sure your money is going back to you.

You’ll pay a 0.5% exchange fee when you withdraw money. See full Hatch pricing.

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Visual representation of some shares available to invest in through Hatch