Join in 30 seconds
Sign up for free with just your email address. When you’re ready to invest, we’ll verify your identity online immediately – all you need is your passport or New Zealand driver’s licence. We don’t take your credit card details and you won’t pay a cent until you deposit money. Have children? Add Kids Accounts and manage them when you sign into Hatch.

Deposit money
There’s no minimum deposit amount (really!), just add money to your Hatch account via internet banking. A 0.5% fee is included in our estimated exchange rate, and we offer special rates for deposits over $100k. A $1.50 USD fee is deducted from your first deposit to cover the filing of a compulsory US tax form on your behalf. Hatch sorts your US tax for you and we have plenty of info on how to make NZ tax time easy.

Watchlist and buy shares
Browse companies and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) just like you would clothing and gadgets. We’ve got helpful tips on choosing your first shares, a free Getting Started Course and a friendly team to chat to anytime you need a hand. You can place market, limit and stop-loss orders, and pay a flat fee of $3 USD to buy or sell up to 300 shares (then it’s 1c USD per share) – with even lower fees for Kids Accounts.

Hold, sell and withdraw
There are no monthly subscription fees with Hatch, so you can hold onto your shares for as long as you like without us eating into your returns. When you sell your shares, your USD will go back into your Hatch account ready to reinvest or withdraw. We don’t clip the ticket on your gains either, you pay the same fees to sell your shares, even if they’ve grown in value. When you choose to withdraw your money back to your NZ bank account, our 0.5% fee is included in the exchange rate, with no hidden extras.

Watch your money work
Sign into Hatch any time, anywhere in the world to see how much you’ve invested, how well your shares are doing (compounding growth!), and to add to your watchlist and investments. We'll email you order updates, when you get paid dividends, and news about Hatch and the companies and funds you can invest in. After you’ve made your first deposit, you’ll also be invited into our exclusive Hatch investor community on Facebook, to share, learn and chat with other Kiwis about shares.

Ready to Hatch your tomorrow?
Join the Kiwis who are hatching their tomorrow and have invested more than $1 billion with Hatch.