Retail investor, or everyday investor
A retail investor, or everyday investor, is a person - as opposed to an investment firm - who puts money into an investment, such as shares listed on the share markets. They typically do this hoping to make a personal profit through capital gains, returns, or gain an income from dividends. Their decisions are influenced by factors like risk tolerance, investment goals and market conditions. Successful investors do thorough research, keep informed about economic and share market trends, and strategically manage their portfolios.
Between 2019 and 2021, more than 10% of Kiwis started investing shares for the first time. Here are media articles from the time:
We acknowledge and thank the FMA, Dr Karena Kelly and Brook Taurua Grant, the RBNZ and the Māori Dictionary for their research which helped us with te Reo Māori kupu for this glossary.
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