Dual-listed, or Dual-listing
Dual-listed companies are public companies that are listed on two stock exchanges. The benefit of being on two exchanges means companies can increase their global or market exposure to investors, and gain access to more liquidity and capital, while being able to support their home country’s economy. More than 50 of New Zealand’s largest companies are dual-listed on both the NZX and the ASX. These dual-listed companies include Air NZ, Kathmandu, NZME, Chorus, Briscoe Group, Fonterra, and Spark NZ.
Some companies outside the US list on an American exchange through an ADR (American Depositary Receipt). A example is Australian resources company BHP (BHP), which lists on the ASX and the NYSE as an ADR.
We acknowledge and thank the FMA, Dr Karena Kelly and Brook Taurua Grant, the RBNZ and the Māori Dictionary for their research which helped us with te Reo Māori kupu for this glossary.
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