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Amanda Broughton
April 26, 2023

Choosing your first shares: A step-by-step guide

Feeling overwhelmed with choosing shares to invest in? With so many options, it can be hard to decide on the best shares to buy for your situation. We can’t tell you which shares to choose, but we can share our helpful tips to boost your confidence when buying your first shares and starting your investing journey.
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Amanda Broughton
March 28, 2023

How compounding growth and compound interest works

Considered the eighth wonder of the world, compounding interest or compounding growth is when your money makes money faster and faster over time. Here’s how you could reap the rewards of compounding interest and put your money to work.
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Belinda Nash
September 19, 2023

Day trading: Is it hazardous to your wealth?

Hollywood’s made day trading look exciting - after all, watching someone invest for their retirement wouldn’t make a thrilling movie or give us Leo’s epic one-liners - but perception (and Hollywood) may not be reality. Let’s unpack the pros and cons of day trading, unravelling regulations and tax obligations.
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Belinda Nash
August 29, 2024

Warren Buffett quotes: Lessons on investing from the Oracle of Omaha

At 94 years young, famous US investor Warren Buffett has learned a few painful billion dollar lessons along the way. But the man famous for enjoying McDonald’s for brekkie and Dairy Queen on Sunday is still not afraid to fail.
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Belinda Nash
July 30, 2024

The ASX 200: Australia’s main stock market index

The ASX, or Australian Securities Exchange, is renowned for its strong focus on the banking and mining sectors and its good market depth and liquidity. With a history dating back to the 1800s, today it features in the top 20 largest stock exchanges in the world.
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Amanda Broughton
April 30, 2024

Custodian or own name - different ways you can own shares

What’s the difference between custodial share ownership - giving investors hands-off management - versus direct ownership allowing investors more control and self administration?
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Amanda Broughton
April 8, 2024

Tax on shares: How much tax do you pay on investments

Are you looking to invest but unsure what it means for your tax obligations? Learn more about tax on share trading in NZ, as well as how much tax you pay on investments, and when you may need to pay it.
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Amanda Broughton
March 26, 2024

The Vanguard S&P 500 and the S&P 500 Index

The word vanguard means ‘a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas’. So does the investment firm behind the Vanguard S&P 500 live up to their name?
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6 min read
Amanda Broughton
February 29, 2024

What are dividends?

If generating a regular income is high on your list of investing priorities, understanding dividend stocks could be a valuable addition to your investor toolkit. Learn about dividend yield, tax on dividends, and read about the best dividend stocks in different markets around the world.
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Visual representation of some shares available to invest in through Hatch